mercoledì 8 maggio 2013

Comincia il lavoro...

Oggi mi sono arrivati dal servizio di prestito bibliotecario intercomunale i due libri di citazioni che intendo utilizzare per trarre ispirazione per questo blog. Il primo è un po' troppo pretenzioso per i miei scopi. Il secondo, invece, è molto adatto. Contiene svariate centinaia di citazioni divise per argomento. Per ora ne ho inserite poco più di 100 in un foglio di calcolo Google Drive, in modo da averlo sempre a disposizione ovunque io mi trovi a scrivere, anche cambiando computer, nel caso. Andando avanti di 100 citazioni pianificate al giorno, andrò a regime con la scrittura tra una decina di giorni.

mercoledì 1 maggio 2013

Si cambia!

Da qualche tempo sento l'esigenza e la tentazione di ricominciare a scrivere in italiano. Forse per via dell'aumento dei miei follower italiani su Google+. Forse perché sto seguendo un corso di scrittura in italiano. Questo blog, quindi, cambia lingua, da inglese a italiano. Presto cambierà anche struttura, con post più frequenti e scritti meglio. Sto pianificando questa operazione nei minimi dettagli. Ci vorrà qualche tempo perché la cosa prenda bene forma. Credo un paio di settimane. Forse un mese.

Il mio attaccamento alle citazioni, tuttavia, rimarrà invariato. Anzi, diventerà ancora più incisivo, almeno su Google+.

A presto!

martedì 29 gennaio 2013

What can you say about human life per se?

What can you say about human life per se? If you are religious, you could say that the purpose of life if to serve God, but if you are one of the hundred billion bacteria that live in just one centimeter of your guts, you cold state that the purpose of human life is to provide you a living environment that is dark, but wonderful, and anaerobic, full of fecal matter.

I love this quote as your point of view is just one point of view, and by no means the only one. Except for those who trust in god. Yes, I stopped capitalizing that word in respect to my own atheism, since capital letters show respect, but stuff that I do not consider existing does not necessarily deserve my respect. The guys who trust in god usually say that him loves you unconditionally, but only if you fulfill his desires. Hey man! This is unconditional under no sane definition! Are you saying that to deserve you unconditional love I have to respect some conditions? This is nonsense in a sane person's mind. But blind followers are not sane. Marx, I think, stated the religion is the opium of populace. I say, than, that crusades were not done for opium. Where done to hide higher governmental problems. Are we superior because we can exterminate? I do not think so. We are superior because we can cooperate. And in no way I will change my mind. Buddhism is probably the best religion I can think about. A catholic will for sure tell you that the life of monks in Buddhism is though. To those I say that catholic priests use diplomatic immunity to rape children, and by liking Buddhism I do not have to necessarily become a monk. There are so many streaks of Buddhism that one will for sure find a way into that. I remember three of the ways of Buddhism. The Greater Vehicle, the Lesser Vehicle, and the Diamond Vehicle. The Vehicle is like a ship that brings the soul ahead in the journey to enlightenment. The Greater Vehicle can hold much more people than the others, but it's slower then the others. On the Greater Vehicle you pray and act so to get reborn into an higher being, such as one with a purer soul, or a monk. Your behavior is known to the greater forces that rule the universe so you cannot cheat. Also because you will be your own judge, so you cannot cheat. The other two vehicles are for purer souls, typically monks. The lesser vehicle is smaller, but faster, bringing you to enlightenment in less rebirts, but it's also tougher, as the monk's life a very tough one, with isolation, one meal per day, and manual work to complete for the survival of the monastery, meditation, and the like. The Diamond Vehicle is usually associated with mandala. These are the beautiful pieces of art made by carefully landing colored sands on a floor just to be blown away in the wind at the end of the process. These are made to concentrate on the temporary nature of man's life on earth, so they are not made to last after they are completed. This is astonishing to me! I have always been used to deal with people that will never throw away a piece of software no matter how crappy it was. Everything is temporary: As the earth rotates on its axes, we must move on to newer experiences, and we should not fossilize ourselves into the past as is often done in Italy. The punishment for Italy's stillness is its high deficit, and unemployment/disemployment rates. The world is changing, Italy's not so the world will collapse crushing Italy. We are not standing up to anything. This nation is geared towards the fecal matter I was talking about in the opening. Italy's full of shit. Sticky shit I mean. Shit that will last generations before it will be removed by a civil war. All this shit is starting to stink badly. Young man, and woman, are moving abroad at an increasing rate. This emigration will not be stopped by the pope or something. This will be stopped just by war. I hope something will change since I do not want to suffer in the war, but it looks like Italian politicians do not understand this. Of course. They entered politics to steal money, not to lead a country. And in the end everything will end.

venerdì 21 dicembre 2012

Don't spend your whole life holding on

If you hold on on what it was you will lose chances for the future. But what if you no longer have a future? Then holding on on your past good memories might be the only way you have to remain sane. I am holding on on some past memories I want to find out if are right or wrong. Because my present, and future no longer exist.
Cheaters stole both from me. In Italy people cheats because they can, not to just have an advantage. And so my anger raises. So don't you have any other mean to excel than to kill people that are better than you are? As time goes by people are understanding this, and will start fighting back.
40% unemployment and disemployment here. Ouch! What the fuck is disemployment? Well, to keep into EU regulations Italians changed the meaning of unemployment to a more stringent definition so to be unemployed you must have had a full-fledged job in the past. So, the young people that cannot find work in Italy are emigrating abroad. That was inevitable, of course, as the powers no longer want young people fussing around with new ideas. Because new ideas undermine the power they achieved by cheating.
The right always won the elections in the past, since the end of World War II. The war we entered on the wrong side with the nazis due to a right government. We got freed by the left partisans, and then fascism stepped back into government because it didn't yet finish to ruin this country. Time is coming for the right party to totally screw this country. Derivates, and temporary work. Everything is set up to screw the planet in the name of the rich people. Derivates because you can take a lot of risk and sell that risk to unaware people. That screwed the economy in the late years, and nothing is stopping them again. Temporary work because if you are a temporary worker you have no rights whatsoever, and without rights people work 16 or more hours a day. Even unpaid. Just in the hope that things will get better.
But nothing is going to get better. Less money for the people means less expenses, and that means less money for the rich, too. But the rich don't want to save on expensive food, so they make the poor's food more expensive. This means people will struggle, and become dishonest. And with more dishonest people derivates, and temporary work will increase, prices will increase, and quality will disappear. Quality is a cost not a value, as people are starting to save everything they can. Their beloved sons can't find a job, and anyway they will never be able to retire with the same money they had when they retired.
This will impact on the future generations in a way that appears invisible now, but will be more evident when everybody will be a retired temporary worker that will have to steal, and rob to get the money they need to survive. When that will happen that will be World War III. Everyone against everyone, not some nations against some other nations, but every poor man against every rich man. And poor man are higher in number than rich man.
Then war will start. Then a global scale revolution will start. And will end in so much blood that the oceans will be red for decades. Human population will be halved twice in that war. And the memory of all that happened will be lost so it will start all over, and over, and over, and over again thereafter. Because it's the winning side that writes history, not the losing one. So their mistakes will be erased by history, and will be made again by unaware people that think that history is the truth.
Everything on earth is a lie. You cannot live honestly because dishonest people are more, and more trained, and have more and better tools to destroy the honest people they despise so much. Status symbols are expensive, and designed to be desired.
This is consumerism: make people want something they do not need, and they will fight for that. So that is the iPhone: consumerism drove to excellence by a capitalistic company that found a small need, and fostered it so to change it into a cultural shift. Cheap things made expensive by a beaten apple. Not even a full apple, but a beaten one!
This is the mark con consumerism, and of capitalism.

lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

Don't stay in bed unless you can make money in bed

Today's theme should have been "don't stay in bed unless you can make money in bed". Well, I am sick enough today that I wanted to rest tonight. So, unfortunately, I will break my streak in writing on this service. You know, health is more important than money, and will always be much more important. No matter what your manager is going to say, without a job you don't die, but without live you are dead. And this is how I feel today: sick. Since I am sick and my mother want to take advantage of this to foster her Munchhausen by proxy syndrome. I really hate that man. But anyway it's not his fault. It's my mother fault. So tonight I will lay on the sofa watching TV and I hope I will be back at the keyboard before midnight.

giovedì 13 dicembre 2012

Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly to you no one would believe it

Well, this in Italy is something that will never happen. By games of power I mean. There will always be someone more powerful than you are, and he will always be more right than you. So if he speaks badly of you because he's jealous, then all his followers will, and by being powerful he will have lots of followers. So you will get into trouble. Whatever you do you will be into trouble.

Unless you're dating mafia bosses, I mean. Mafia bosses are always right unless they get killed. And mafia rules in Italy at a level than non-italians cannot understand. Because Italians hide that to foreigners. As they hid the recipe for good espresso coffee, but I disclosed that recipe in Brussels in 2006 at a party. It wasn't a real secret, and now that the financial crisis is flaring all around Italians learned that selling stuff is better than not selling stuff. Even if it means to disclose a secret. I did it in 2006 and by 2009 the secret has settled in Brussels, and now espresso coffee there is as good as it is in Italy. Wow!

I never thought that Italians would have disclosed their secret easily, but the crisis forced them to find new markets, and now they sell espresso machines for coffee even abroad. And with training, too. You know, having a machine is not enough to make proper espresso coffee. You must have the proper mixture, properly cut, make the proper amount of coffee in the filter, press it enough but not too much. Then the machine will do the rest by brewing it with high pressure steam for the proper amount of time. This way I made some foreigners happy with Italian espresso coffee outside of Italy. That sounded great, as made people happier, and made Italian companies sell more machines, and mixtures, on a bunch of new markets that previously no one even considered worth considering.

Italians got angry anyway, because now to drink a properly brewed coffee you can be anywhere in the planet, so tourists no longer have to visit Italy to drink proper espresso coffee. And then this made people angry because this reduced tourists in Italy, in their opinions, that is. But I think that the decreased amount of tourism is due to the increased prices due to the crisis, and not to the increased production of coffee, and pizza abroad. Yeah! Probably people do not travel to Italy because it becomes more and more expensive as time goes by.

Do you think that this is due to the decreased amount of coffee bought by foreigners? This is a vicious circle. Buying less makes it cost more, having it costing more decreases sales, and to keep up with manager's costs makes people get paid less AND buying things more expensive. So sales decrease. And by no means they are going to increase this way. Until managers understand that is people that make up the world, and not managers. Managers have no right whatsoever to piss in the face of employees. Unless they really want them to quit both the company and the country. And that is what is happening to Italy in last few decades: smart people, tired of being mobbed, slowly started to quit Italy. This trend is always accelerating.

Politicians (liars, that is) tell us we should trust them and remain in Italy, but people does no longer want to pay to work, so they quit from here to never be back. What happens in the Central American countries is happening to Italy, too. Unhealthy management, both in companies, and government, made the country sick to the point that mice are fleeing the boat. I was expecting it as I was expecting that Microsoft, and Intel loose their antitrust lawsuits in the past: they cheated, and they got punished. And so information technology is geared towards an healthier status as the war in courts was over. There will be no court to rule the fate of Italy. People must understand that by being conservatives they doomed this country to ruin, and that the country is not getting up without a real amount of blind innovation. That is innovation that does not try to innovate by changing nothing, but innovation that is going to hurt people to foster the changes that are required to bring this country back in track!

Wish us good luck, as change is not going to be liked by the powers that rule this country.

domenica 2 dicembre 2012

This is my first day on this site, and I am really astonished by this idea. Unfortunately there is no selection of themes to inspire my creativity. You know, I just attended an interview for a creative writing class in Bologna, organized by Carlo Lucarelli. I had to write two assignments for that interview. They were short. Shorter than even this 750 words stuff. But I loved the idea to have an idea to develop. And so here I am, writing to myself. In English. I am Italian, but I often read and write in English for my former job. I am now unemployed, but I was a software engineer. And a good one. Unfortunately here in Italy you have no choice: cheat, or be cheated. I realized too late that I was too honest to make a living in this country. So I am now considering something more dishonest. But something that is so dishonest in nature that no one expects you to be honest, and tell the truth when you become a writer.

Yes, I received some positive feedback about my writings in the past, even from professional creatives. That does not just mean writers. Just people that work in a creative environment. An illustrator, a DJ, and an editor told me good about my writings. So I tried to join Bottega Finzioni, the creative writing classes I attended an interview for in Bologna the other week. It was nice to attend that interview, as it didn't look like an interview to me. Just writing, and talking about writing. They seemed really interested in me, and so I hope they were. They will let me know in the first week of December, so still 10 days to go, but I really hope that my skills interested them enough to admit me on the courses. For sure Bologna is far. It is three hours by train (including transfers) so I might consider going there by car next time as Google Maps says in will be 2h40m and I will not have to wait for transfer.

I do not know if my memories are real not not but I might actually have kicked the school's boss in the ass long ago (but he liked it!). He is the guy that developed the idea of "Almost True". A self parody. Because he was doing TV shows about mafia conducted with a peculiar style that fits him and him only. But I style that I like. And the suspense he creates even when talking about blatantly fake stuff. Myths that he covers as if they where real, with even made up witness evidence. The innuendo when he talks is so warm, and leading that he is irresistible when he does that.

I started to know about him... yes... when I kicked him in the ass, but I learned to appreciate him more, and more as time goes by. I want to write with him, I want to know him more, and more. I do not know if I am in love with someone who is 15 years older than I am, but I want to give him a chance because he is smart, and cute. Which is terrific! And, of course, I want to read more books that he wrote. Because he has a very unique style that I find very attractive. I heard him talk at a radio show long ago about a soccer match, as he likes, and plays soccer he liked the argument so much that he set up the radio show. It wasn't live, but his voice was so hrrrrrrr that I couldn't resist listening to him. Anyway it was about soccer so I lost interest real soon, and that was unfortunate. I never liked, or even understood, soccer. Especially the hatred that shrouds soccer fan clubs. They often end up insulting each other, and sometimes the whole fan thing ended up in violence. Which is not what sport is about. Sports are about competition, yes, but honest competition, indeed. Fanatics screaming at each other in hatred will never be a thing that I will consider "sport". Hatred is not sport. Mafia is hatred. Organized crime is hatred. Well, yes, soccer is mafia, and organized crime so I suspect that the whole soccer hatred stuff perfectly fits with that.

And I finally managed to have a much larger typeface on this page! Yes, the default size was way too small for my screen. So I hit settings, and fixed the font size. Maybe now it is a big too large, but I now know where to set it up!