mercoledì 8 maggio 2013

Comincia il lavoro...

Oggi mi sono arrivati dal servizio di prestito bibliotecario intercomunale i due libri di citazioni che intendo utilizzare per trarre ispirazione per questo blog. Il primo è un po' troppo pretenzioso per i miei scopi. Il secondo, invece, è molto adatto. Contiene svariate centinaia di citazioni divise per argomento. Per ora ne ho inserite poco più di 100 in un foglio di calcolo Google Drive, in modo da averlo sempre a disposizione ovunque io mi trovi a scrivere, anche cambiando computer, nel caso. Andando avanti di 100 citazioni pianificate al giorno, andrò a regime con la scrittura tra una decina di giorni.

mercoledì 1 maggio 2013

Si cambia!

Da qualche tempo sento l'esigenza e la tentazione di ricominciare a scrivere in italiano. Forse per via dell'aumento dei miei follower italiani su Google+. Forse perché sto seguendo un corso di scrittura in italiano. Questo blog, quindi, cambia lingua, da inglese a italiano. Presto cambierà anche struttura, con post più frequenti e scritti meglio. Sto pianificando questa operazione nei minimi dettagli. Ci vorrà qualche tempo perché la cosa prenda bene forma. Credo un paio di settimane. Forse un mese.

Il mio attaccamento alle citazioni, tuttavia, rimarrà invariato. Anzi, diventerà ancora più incisivo, almeno su Google+.

A presto!

martedì 29 gennaio 2013

What can you say about human life per se?

What can you say about human life per se? If you are religious, you could say that the purpose of life if to serve God, but if you are one of the hundred billion bacteria that live in just one centimeter of your guts, you cold state that the purpose of human life is to provide you a living environment that is dark, but wonderful, and anaerobic, full of fecal matter.

I love this quote as your point of view is just one point of view, and by no means the only one. Except for those who trust in god. Yes, I stopped capitalizing that word in respect to my own atheism, since capital letters show respect, but stuff that I do not consider existing does not necessarily deserve my respect. The guys who trust in god usually say that him loves you unconditionally, but only if you fulfill his desires. Hey man! This is unconditional under no sane definition! Are you saying that to deserve you unconditional love I have to respect some conditions? This is nonsense in a sane person's mind. But blind followers are not sane. Marx, I think, stated the religion is the opium of populace. I say, than, that crusades were not done for opium. Where done to hide higher governmental problems. Are we superior because we can exterminate? I do not think so. We are superior because we can cooperate. And in no way I will change my mind. Buddhism is probably the best religion I can think about. A catholic will for sure tell you that the life of monks in Buddhism is though. To those I say that catholic priests use diplomatic immunity to rape children, and by liking Buddhism I do not have to necessarily become a monk. There are so many streaks of Buddhism that one will for sure find a way into that. I remember three of the ways of Buddhism. The Greater Vehicle, the Lesser Vehicle, and the Diamond Vehicle. The Vehicle is like a ship that brings the soul ahead in the journey to enlightenment. The Greater Vehicle can hold much more people than the others, but it's slower then the others. On the Greater Vehicle you pray and act so to get reborn into an higher being, such as one with a purer soul, or a monk. Your behavior is known to the greater forces that rule the universe so you cannot cheat. Also because you will be your own judge, so you cannot cheat. The other two vehicles are for purer souls, typically monks. The lesser vehicle is smaller, but faster, bringing you to enlightenment in less rebirts, but it's also tougher, as the monk's life a very tough one, with isolation, one meal per day, and manual work to complete for the survival of the monastery, meditation, and the like. The Diamond Vehicle is usually associated with mandala. These are the beautiful pieces of art made by carefully landing colored sands on a floor just to be blown away in the wind at the end of the process. These are made to concentrate on the temporary nature of man's life on earth, so they are not made to last after they are completed. This is astonishing to me! I have always been used to deal with people that will never throw away a piece of software no matter how crappy it was. Everything is temporary: As the earth rotates on its axes, we must move on to newer experiences, and we should not fossilize ourselves into the past as is often done in Italy. The punishment for Italy's stillness is its high deficit, and unemployment/disemployment rates. The world is changing, Italy's not so the world will collapse crushing Italy. We are not standing up to anything. This nation is geared towards the fecal matter I was talking about in the opening. Italy's full of shit. Sticky shit I mean. Shit that will last generations before it will be removed by a civil war. All this shit is starting to stink badly. Young man, and woman, are moving abroad at an increasing rate. This emigration will not be stopped by the pope or something. This will be stopped just by war. I hope something will change since I do not want to suffer in the war, but it looks like Italian politicians do not understand this. Of course. They entered politics to steal money, not to lead a country. And in the end everything will end.